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MLK days is special in Saint Petersburg, because the city has hosted a special and historic parade for 31 years. It all started when Sevell C. Brown, a civil rights activist, got togeather with some HBCU band directors and created a parade to honor Dr. King’s memory. Brown didn't receive any compensation and only created the parade to keep Dr. King's memory alive and well-honored.

The first parade was held on January 20th, 1986, and includes floats and of course bands! The parade has been duplicated and spread across the country, but the original tradition and meaning remains and continues in local St Pete.

This year will also feature family friendly activites afterwards in the Tropicana Field parking lot.

You can learn more about the parade here:

Everything St Pete, also has a nice Google Map of the parade route as well:



Stay local and small. The best spots are where the locals dine and play.



Avoid chains like Subway, McD, and Wendy's. Luckily they aren't prevelant downtown.



Go to a beach. They are amazing!

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